Discover the secret to
a harmonious and
fulfilling life

Join us on a journey of pure Healing
and authentic connection

Tap into authentic ancient wisdom

Bali is a magical island where people still live with a deep respect for the sanctity of life. The culture has a strong and natural focus on creating harmony with the Gods, the people and the environment.

This devotion, is integrated in everyday life, is based on a principle called the Tri Hita Karana which guides every part of traditional Balinese life.

Book your personal

Transformative Healing Journey

For millennia, the people of Bali have explored and perfected the art of healing and connection through beautiful rituals, festivals, prayers and devotional care of holy places. Their aesthetic devotion is palpable and encompasses every aspect of daily life.

Bali offers a strong healing influence and a chance to reconnect for those who are willing to open up and surrender to the profound power found on the island.

Learn how to use

Shamanic Techniques

Book a free call

Find out if the Shuem Soul Experience is for you.

During the call you will get to know the Shaman and he can answer any questions you might have.

Private Pilgrimage

A private Healing journey into the Heart and Soul of Bali

A fully personalized retreat featuring the most powerful energy centers of Bali under the expert guidance of a lifelong Shaman and Healer Stefan Johannis.

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